A postcard to my special readers

Dear my readers,

I often render through my mind that how blessed I am to meet you guys.I am not wonderwoman or idealised replica of beauty,that’s when i first started writing, it is always scary and exciting,I recall going to my wordpress every 1 hour to see even 1 people have remarked about my writing, It disappointed my heart every time i saw the notification box without the yellow sign.Then the dawn of realization came,I folded my hands to myself,then I let my heart open and devoted my soul to appreciate other writers,we all are same in this platform,hungry for just a little love & admiration.

At the end of the day I gain maybe numerous likes,but likes are inferior,when i come across your comments,there is where i get my inspiration,a little believe & courage that whatever I am doing is making someone smile,someone far from here looking down in his phone and can releate to me.We let our agony,happiness,fear,hope through our penned memoranda,our hearts go in our every emblamed thoughts and a little appreciation can fed those pages of writing the nourishment it demands.

Not all of you who are following me are actually following,I wonder this is a true blogging platform,not a facebook,snapchat or instagram,we firmly adore your thoughts,even when you criticise us that’s, It also provide us numerous strength.

I request you,as a writer,maybe a terrible writer who stumble too much in her path,to look at WordPress as a blogging platform,and give the brezze of hope and courage to the budding(potential) writers.



19 Comments Add yours

  1. It feels good when someone likes the work you put out here, doesn’t it?
    I remember my first few weeks too…I think we met (online) soon after I started 🙂
    Anyway, keep on writing girl, you’re so GOOD at it.!!
    Love, Basia. xx

    Liked by 3 people

    1. neha98blog says:

      Yes,I also remember that,i would be thankful to wordpress as i met you here,and you are also so good at fashion and more importantly a good & kind human being.
      Always & Always be that suave,and magnificent persona you are.


  2. Divyang Shah says:

    Yes Neha, I have gone through all feelings you mentioned.. The happiness comes when someone likes, comments, appreciate our work can’t be expressed. We can only feel that happiness.. It’s unparallel..:)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. neha98blog says:

      Thank you divyang for understanding the purpose of my post.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. sangbad says:

    It feels good at the same time surprising that I am not alone who say the same things…


  4. Rohit Nag says:

    Yes, I can relate to every feeling.
    Yup very true post

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes Neha, comment section is the best part of blogging..😊..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. neha98blog says:

      Years after,hello there,how are you?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Literally feels like years after..M good..😊..What about you??


  6. It always feels nice when someone expresses their thought about our writing. But even when they don’t, keep on writing, for you never know when and how your words inspire someone…that’s the beauty and power of words…:-)


  7. alexraphael says:

    I think a lot of people feel the same way you do. Your honesty is one of your best traits.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. louise237 says:

    Same thoughts, same feelings which are, I suppose, common to many bloggers. Now you have a new follower, guess who 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. neha98blog says:

      To gain such a lovely friend through this platform,is truly a blessing.Thank you for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

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